ELR State Email Box
June 22, 2021
85/15 Questions & FL 21 Required Reports
September 9, 2021Updated VA Form 22-8794
We have some exciting news – we finally have a new and improved 22-8794! It has incorporated some of the things that ELRs and SCOs have been asking for. This new form contains more information than the old form did so please read it over carefully.
NOTE: We cannot accept older versions of the 22-8794 going forward. If an older version is submitted we will have to return it to you.
As a reminder:
- All 8794s should be sent directly to me. You can submit a courtesy copy to the SAA (although I send them the form once I have processed it) and/or include it with your reapplication package but you must still send it directly to me. I am the only individual that can update WEAMS and assign VA Once log-in credentials.
- The 22-8794, per the directions on page one, must be signed by someone of “significant authority” at the bottom of page two and their title must be included.
- All new SCOs must complete new SCO training before they can be added as SCOs.
- If there is more than one new SCO added I cannot process the form unless all of their training completion certificates are attached. Please do not send a 22-8794 listing a new SCO(s) unless all of their training completion certificates are attached.
Training for new SCOs
The training can be found here: https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/resources/education_resources/school_certifying_officials/online_sco_training.asp
A new SCO can set up and account by scrolling down to and clicking on:
And on this page clicking:
A new SCO will need to register for an account and will need the school’s VA Facility code to do so.
Once they have set up an account they can log in and find New SCO Training along the left hand side of the screen. And then along the right hand side they should choose the Education Service School Certifying Official Course. The course takes approximately 5 hours to complete.